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عشرون قاعدة ضرورية للنجاح Twenty rules necessary for success

Twenty rules necessary for success 💓👌 1 - Every moment you spend with a great person will make you regret every day you lost with a trivial person, choose your travel companions carefully because you will be one of them. 2 - Success does not mean that you work all day long, and balance between work and rest, because rest time is the best time to produce ideas that benefit you at work. 3- Positive feelings disappear quickly, while negative feelings last longer, so do not link your happiness to the moment of applying the dream, but to all the moments that you live. 4- If you feel that you are the best person in your group of friends, you should change that group or add more positive people to it. 5- The basic principle in life is that you live happy and enjoy your day. Being sad and depressed means that you do not understand life yet. 6 - Your failure will not be able to imprison you because he does not have evidence against you, your fear of him is his only evidence. 7 - Critics are people like you, but instead of exploiting their energies in developing themselves and using it against you, you just have to pity them and forgive them because it is their problem and not yours. 8 - Whenever you achieve a dream, you will strive for a bigger dream, for the origin of desires is expansion and increase, so it is not attached to a dream or a single goal, attached to the message and the sincere intention to achieve it. 9 - Do not overstate the expression that you have changed radically, that means that you have not changed at all. 10 - You rarely find someone who seeks to dream with the same passion that you have, so choose your dream partners carefully, as he who does not have your motivation will bring you back. 11 - The fact that you woke up in the morning means that God still wants you to do what is good for you and for others, so make good use of your day. 12- The more assertive you are about yourself, the easier life will be for you, and vice versa. 13- Be reasonable and balanced in everything in your life, except in developing yourself, so be crazy ... you will find many times more efforts. 14 - Tired yourself, you will relax in the end. 15- The success of a person does not mean that you follow his own path, find your way and your fingerprint. 16 - Hear people's opinions, benefit from the positive and do not turn to the negative, because the latter in most of it will be from the people closest to you. 17 - When all the factors of the earth conspire against you, remember God and trust him. 18 - Always think best of people, for you will be comfortable. 19 - No matter how large your testimony is, it is an official document that helps you in the procedures, do not stop there and develop yourself. 20- To be the most successful and happiest of people; They have a weak memory of the negative past. Transported... Which rule won your admiration 💓✋ 2 - النجاح لايعني أن تعمل طوال النهار ، وازن بين العمل والراحة ، لأن وقت الراحة هو أفضل وقت لانتاج أفكار تفيدك في العمل. 4- اذا كنت تشعر بأنك أفضل شخص في مجموعة أصدقائك ، عليك تغيير تلك المجموعة أو أضف عليها أشخاصاً أكثر ايجابية. 6 - فشلك لن يستطيع سجنك لأنه لايملك دليلاً ضدك ، خوفك منه هو دليله الوحيد. 9 - لاتبالغ بالتعبير بأنك تغيرت جذرياً ، فذلك معناه أنك لم تتغير أصلاً. 10 - نادراً ماتجد من يسعى الى الحلم بنفس الشغف الذي تمتلكه ، لذلك اختر شركاء حلمك بعناية ، فمن لايمتلك تحفيزك سيعيدك الى الوراء. 12- كلما كنت حازماً على نفسك ، كلما كانت الحياة سهلة عليك ، والعكس بالعكس. 14 - اتعب على نفسك ، فسترتاح في النهاية. 15- ان نجاح شخص ما لايعني أن تسلك طريقه نفسه ، ابحث عن طريقك وبصمتك. 17 - عندما تتآمر كل عوامل الأرض ضدك ،تذكر الله وثق به . 18 - أحسن الظن بالناس دائماً ، فأنت من سيرتاح. 20- ان أنجح وأسعد الناس؛ هم من يمتلكون ذاكرة ضعيفة للماضي السلبي . أي قاعدة حازت علي اعجابك 💓✋


إذا أعجبك محتوى مدونتنا نتمنى البقاء على تواصل دائم ، فقط قم بإدخال بريدك الإلكتروني للإشتراك في بريد المدونة السريع ليصلك جديد المدونة أولاً بأول ، كما يمكنك إرسال رساله بالضغط على الزر المجاور ...

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